Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Horus Heresy Ultramarines

Here is the unit of tactical marines I painted for Cody's Horus Heresy Ultramarine force. More examples of other gamers Horus Heresy units will be shown on Pete Dunn's blog Fields of Blood also some really good work by John Murrie on his Word Bearers on Stumpy Heaven.

Have yet to put transfers on all the marines but they are based and most weathering is complete. Have a little tidying up to do on some bits which of course upon review the camera shows. They are intended to be survivors of the catastrophe on Calth, defending the remains of the world against Word Bearer, World Eater and Cultist forces.

The bases are Secret Weapon Miniatures Urban rubble bases. As previously stated they are not in the darker blue Ultramarine armour would be, but this is the shade the owner liked and chose.

Now to finish my Raven Guard promptly.


  1. Really nice dude, I hope you can maintain momentum as an army of these will rock!

  2. Those are just beautiful. Finish is really clean - what did you use for the muddy areas around the feet?

  3. I will sell my soul to learn to you painted that armor..that is literally the exact color I want for my units. If you can, email me@ with details...

  4. Dude? I will pay you for that Blue recipe... Seriously man.... Please?

  5. Really well painted! I love these heresy era minis - so much character. Would you mind if I share some of your work on my blog if I post links back here?
