Been back into the painting after an Auckland Foo Fighters break last week.
Got in some great games of Mordheim with the boys up there - cheers 'Damage'. I'll be making a battle report of the Monday night four way brawl on the fantastic home made Mordheim table - that is once I put the provided notes into an entertaining order.
Anyways the two nutjobs of the Ecclesiarchy are almost complete and I should have them done tonight but here is a WIP shot of the pair
Here are the two individually after a little more work - the photos are taken with my new phone so I'm still playing with settings though very happy with the quality with the basic shots so far.
I will post completed shots very soon and look out for the Mordheim tug of war over the Skaven informant.
Nice nice. Wish I'd brought my paints out with me. I didn't play it much, but I remember Mordheim was quite fun. Played undead versus mates witch hunters I think.